Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Holiday Club - Tswelopele (Gauteng)

Over the Easter holidays we hosted a “fun day” for the Saturday Bible Club attendees and other neighborhood kids. Our theme for the day was “Prayer”, and the day entailed a short lesson on what the bible teaches us about praying, each child making their own “prayer cube”, and as always lots of outside games. We were pleasantly surprised to have 52 kids join us, and very thankful for the help of various volunteers – the Foss family from the USA, Hendri, Llewellyn & Juliana Scheepers, members of our ecclesia.

The older kids filled in the various verses re prayer onto each side of their cube.

The older group filling in their prayer cubes. After filling in the verses came the fun part – decorating the cubes with a variety of goodies & lots of glitter!

Those who couldn't write yet colored and decorated a "thank you for" prayer cube - Thank you God for my food; my Bible; Your creation; my friends & family & for loving me.

Carlos approves!

Fun in the sun.

Snack time - got to keep those energy levels up.

Group photo, each with their prayer cube.

With love in Christ
Michael & Lilandi Furstenburg