Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday Bible Club - Tswelopele (Gauteng)

Our Saturday Bible Club numbers have been on the increase – with several “new” faces joining us after attending the Braingym program! We now have a core group of about 40 kids, with the average age being about 10 years old. Even though this means there are lots of under-8’s, perhaps limiting the amount of hard-core doctrine we can teach, it does mean they enjoy doing craft activities which are great for reinforcing the lessons that we do share.

Michael presenting the bible club lesson about Israel's 1st king - and how we should rather accept God as our king.
Creating crowns, with colored foam and buttons as "jewels"

Group photo with everyone wearing their crown!

And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
(Rev 5:10)

With love in Christ
Michael & Lilandi Furstenburg

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