Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday School kids making a difference!

 The 1st of May is a public holiday in South Africa - called "workers' day". Public holiday for most means a day to rest and relax; not so for the Gauteng volunteers though! As it was a Wednesday and we had the homework club kids coming over anyway we rallied some ecclesial members and put everyone to work packing food parcels. We made up 300 food parcels in just under 2 hours!

Fresh-faced and eager to get started!

Taffi took up the 1st post - opening the packets (a "small" job that makes a huge difference in productivity!)

Pippa was in charge of the jam; Angelo & Frank in the background.

Karabo took charge of the peanut butter - "yum yum" as it says on the tin!

Hendri & Birgit made up the smaller tea bag packets.

Liezl had some help making up her tea bag packets :)

Cameron & Sipho packed the maize & sugar.

Junior was the end of the line - put in tea and tie up the bags.

Dieter sorted the veg for packing - 5 years old and able to work for a good cause!

Zante trying her hand at packing maize - she would try to pack the heaviest item! Amazingly she persisted and did her part for at least 10 packets!
With love in Christ
Michael & Lilandi Furstenburg

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