Monday, May 4, 2009

Positive growth

The graph above shows the number of brethren and sisters in South Africa for the past 29 years. It reveals a few interesting trends/facts.
  • For the first time in 29 years the number of Christadelphians in South Africa has surpassed the 500 mark.
  • Since 2005 (shortly after the 2010 campaign got underway) there has been a steady upward climb in the figures.
  • The increase from 2008 to 2009 is the biggest "from-previous-year-increase" in the past 29 years.
It is particularly interesting that the two ecclesias who has shown the most growth (Marianhill and Yeoville) both have the following aspects in common :
  • Taking the Gospel to the people locally and having a permanent presence there.
  • Local brethren/sisters (specially being able to speak the local language) being committed and very active.
  • Living the truth in context of the culture that is prevalent in the area. 
  • A strong emphasis on the "touch and teach" approach with a lot of activities related to reaching out to the communities and the needy additional to more direct preaching efforts. 
We thank our heavenly father for
  • enabling us to preach on such a much broader, practical "hands on" front
  • all the opportunities to reach out to communities
  • the help He has given so that the projects could be established and sustained
  • the wonderful blessing and benefits that has come to us as a community because of our additional preaching methods
  • the growth that has taken place.
We pray that God will continue to bless us with health, strength, pastoral wisdom, opportunities and everyday miracles that we may continue with and enhance the growth path that has now been set in motion. To God be the glory - for indeed "great things He has done!"
Your brother in Christ's service

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Rob J Hyndman said...

Great to see, Lucas. It's so encouraging after all the positive work that has been done to see the results beginning to take shape. Praise God!

Unknown said...

What an inspiration to us all! Keep up your good work. God bless all your efforts! Much love, Anna

Marcus Ampe said...

It can be hard and sometimes frustrating when not much response is given, but keep the working going.