Thursday, August 5, 2010

God Moments

Last week was an interesting week, especially considering it was the last week for Julie and Laura and they have had such an influence since their arrival in Spring of 2009 (Southern Hemisphere).  On Friday, Julie, Laura and the whole crew came out to the Bible Education Center to share the Gospel message in Song to those walking by.  These are always amazing events, but this one was different.

The day had been cool, cloudy and a lightly drizzly from time to time.  Not too bad, but not quite comfy either.  We started singing, and the more the group sang, the better they sounded.  We started collecting a little crowd towards the end of the singing.  We had gone through most of our songs and were trying to remember what was left to sing, and suddenly Laura & Julie remembered to sing "Walk in the Light".  The whole group started singing, and just as we started, the sun broke through the clouds and it was sunny for the rest of our singing.  What an echo of all of the efforts of the volunteers - when we step out and become "doers" of the word, not just hearers, then His word becomes the Light to the Path we Walk on.  Time after time I see God speaking to us; sometimes in small ways and sometimes in obvious ones.  Hallelujah!

Much Love,

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