Tuesday, February 16, 2010

*Valentines special*

For the fourth time, I saw the same small forearm find its way 50cm from my eyeballs. “It came off again” she says. I apply the henna pattern again to her arm and tell her once more it is wet and she must not touch it until it has dried.
         Last minute cancellations sparked an idea for a relaxation spa day at ‘Happy’s’ for the girls, a day where we could show we cared for them.
         There was music blasting out (mainly beyonce as requested) coupled with matching voices, feet flailing in the air waiting to be washed, hands being massaged, a crowd around the nail polish table blocking the passage way making it impossible for anyone wanting to get through and crazy requests for henna including African names I could not spell!
         Bookmarks were made the evening before with bible verses on which were given out.
         It was a Saturday, the day before valentines day, a day normally spent lolling around or socializing on beds. So our surprise spa day was really appreciated. One of the girls said “It is good that you show your love in this way” which is exactly what we wanted them to know. They come from a culture which is not always accepting of disability so we want them to know that they are worth caring about as a child, as a black person, as a disabled person and to have the feeling of being pampered and the feeling of being a lady.
“ People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care”

Bible verse bookmarks

Lamlile showing off some henna
Ellie and laura painting nails
Julie and katie washing hands and massaging feet

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